We Shouldn’t Read Online Vi Keeland

Categories Genre: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 105
Estimated words: 102781 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 514(@200wpm)___ 411(@250wpm)___ 343(@300wpm)

Neither one of us had brought our laptops, since we had presentation materials to carry on. Although we did have our phones to at least answer emails and stuff. But that wouldn’t take up an entire day. Tobias’s email had left some lingering tension between the two of us, so I thought maybe a little relaxation might actually be in order.

“I have a better idea.”

“What’s that?”

I grinned. “Foot massages.”

Chapter 24

* * *


She had to be screwing with me.

“What are you doing?”

Annalise’s eyes fluttered open. We were sitting side by side in oversized chairs as two women rubbed our feet.


“You look like you’re about to start moaning.”

Her eyes were actually glassy and hooded. She leaned in to whisper to me. “Honestly, I probably could…you know…from a foot rub. It’s my favorite thing to relax ever.”

Jesus Christ. I looked down at her feet. I’d never sucked a woman’s toes before, although I hadn’t been opposed to it. The right opportunity just never presented itself. But right now, I was absolutely positive I’d totally been missing out. If a little foot rub felt that good to a woman, I might have even been neglectful. I needed to remedy that shit right away, and I knew just where I wanted to start. Wonder what the two masseuses would’ve done if I’d gotten up and bumped one out of the way, replacing her hands with my mouth.

Annalise shut her eyes and went back to her happy place. I watched her for a long moment and then leaned over to whisper in her ear.

“If that’s your favorite thing to relax ever, then the douche did you a favor by breaking things off. I can think of a few things that would leave you feeling spineless.”

She laughed. Only I wasn’t kidding. And I had the strongest urge to be the one to prove that to her. I tried to relax and enjoy the rest of my rub, but it was too late. The next thirty minutes basically consisted of me fantasizing about all the things I could do to the woman sitting next to me that would make her think a foot massage was child’s play. Well, that and thinking of all the disgusting feet with funguses that the woman rubbing my feet had rubbed right before mine. I needed some way to keep the constantly threatening hard-on at bay.

After our massages were over, we walked next door to an Asian noodle house for some lunch. Annalise’s phone started to buzz while we looked at the menu.

“It’s my mom. Excuse me for a moment.”

She didn’t get up from the table, so I listened to one side of the conversation.

“Hi, Mom.”


“Yeah, that sounds great. I’ll bring dessert.”


“We just had dinner the other night. She said something about going to her sister’s for the weekend. But I’ll ask anyway.”

Another pause. This time, her eyes jumped to meet mine. “Umm. I doubt it. But I can ask him, I guess.”

She talked for a few more minutes and then hung up.

“Everything okay?” I asked.

Annalise sighed. “Yeah. My mother just can’t help herself. She’s having a private wine-tasting party with the first bottles of the season next weekend. She told me to invite my best friend, Madison, and then she told me to invite you. Once she locks on to the scent of an eligible bachelor for her daughter, she’s like a pit bull. I’ll tell her you’re busy.”

“Why? I don’t have any plans except work this weekend.”

“It would be…I don’t know…weird for you to come.”

“No weirder than sitting next to you watching a five-foot-tall Asian woman almost give you an orgasm.”

She laughed. “I guess you have a point.”

“Plus, we both know the truth.” I winked. “Your mom inviting me isn’t really for her daughter.”

“I told her we were competing for a promotion, not to keep our jobs here in California. I haven’t mentioned the possible move to Texas because I figured there was no point in making her worry. But if I told her the only interest you have in her daughter was to have me shipped off eighteen-hundred miles away, I think you’d be surprised how much her friendliness changed. She’s super protective of me.”

Definitely not the only interest I had in Annalise. But she had a point, and if her mother knew about Texas or any of things I’d fantasized about doing to her daughter, I was pretty sure she’d be chasing me out with a corkscrew in her hand.

“Are you an only child?”

“Sort of. My sister died when she was eight.”

“Shit. I’m sorry.”

“Thanks. She was five years older, so I was only three when it happened. She had neuroblastoma—a childhood cancer that’s really aggressive. I wish I remembered her more. Although, at least I don’t remember too much about her passing. But to answer your question, I don’t have any other siblings. My parents started to have trouble with their marriage after that. What about you? Any other full-of-themselves Foxes running around out there I should look out for?”


