Total pages in book: 66
Estimated words: 63082 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 315(@200wpm)___ 252(@250wpm)___ 210(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 63082 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 315(@200wpm)___ 252(@250wpm)___ 210(@300wpm)
But Mila was still standing, her face contorted with rage as she raised her weapon. “You can’t stop me!”
She swung the gun toward Haisley.
“Drop it!” a fed behind her snapped.
Mila spun and pointed her gun at the agents. Time stretched, the moment feeling like half an eternity. Her finger tightened on the trigger. The feds took aim. Everything narrowed to the space between heartbeats.
The agents fired first. Mila’s body jerked as rounds caught her center mass, her final shot going wide. The maniacal smile never left her face as she crumpled, her blood painting the sterile tiled floor.
The remaining guards, seeing their mistress fall, lowered their weapons and surrendered.
Finally, their nightmare was over.
Nash crushed Haisley to his chest, relief racing through his veins when he felt her heart thundering against his. His hands shook as they roamed her body, checking for injuries. “Are you okay? The baby?”
“We’re fine.” She clutched him just as tightly, her tears soaking his shirt. “You idiot. You were going to sacrifice yourself for us—”
“Always.” He cupped her face, thumbing away her tears. “My life is worth nothing without you, baby.”
“I love you,” she whispered.
“Ding dong, the bitch is dead,” Ethan grunted, favoring his shoulder where he’d taken a bullet. Blood seeped between his fingers, but his grin was cocky as ever.
Kane did a final sweep while federal agents secured the scene. “Compound is secure. We found their servers. Records of every sale, every victim. The feds have assured me they intend to track down as many as possible and bring them home.”
More good news.
The first rays of dawn began to filter through the broken window. Nash kissed Haisley’s forehead, then each tearstained cheek before claiming her mouth. When he finally pulled back, he rested his forehead against hers, breathed her in, caressed her belly where their baby rested safely between them.
“Let’s go home,” he whispered. “Build the life we should have had all along.”
Haisley’s smile was watery but blindingly beautiful as she squeezed his hand. Nash had never loved her more. “Home sounds perfect.”
Ten weeks later
Nash gripped Haisley’s hand, her engagement ring winking in the office lights, as Dr. Williams moved the ultrasound wand across her still-flat belly. His heart thudded against his ribs, anticipation and anxiety warring in his chest. The last time Haisley had been pregnant… He pushed the painful thought away. This time would be different. This time, he was here. This time, they’d take every precaution. This time—
“There’s your baby.” The doctor’s calming voice yanked him from his spiral of worry. She pointed to the screen where a tiny form appeared. “Good strong heartbeat. Ten fingers. Ten toes. Everything looks perfectly healthy.”
Haisley’s fingers tightened. When Nash glanced down, tears shimmered in her eyes. She was remembering their loss, too.
“Would you like to know the sex?” Dr. Williams asked.
Nash’s throat closed up. He and Haisley had discussed this, had agreed they wanted to know, but now that the moment was here…
She glanced his way in question. He nodded, and her tremulous smile did something to his heart.
“Yes,” Haisley whispered, her voice shaky. “Please.”
The doctor adjusted the wand, studying the screen, then smiled. “Congratulations. You’re having a boy.”
Another son.
Nash’s vision blurred. Joy and grief tangled in his chest, threatening to choke him. Haisley’s quiet sob broke something inside him. He pressed his lips to her temple and breathed her in. “It’s okay, baby. You heard the doctor. Everything is fine.”
“I know this is emotional,” Dr. Williams said gently. “Given your history, it’s completely normal to be worried and feel overwhelmed. But everything looks perfect. Strong heartbeat, good size, all his development markers exactly where they should be. Your blood pressure and blood work have all been great. I see no problems with your placenta. You’ve nearly finished your first trimester, which greatly reduces the risk of future miscarriage. You and baby are both doing fantastic.”
Haisley nodded gratefully, but her tears fell faster. Nash stroked her hair, his own eyes burning.
“I’ll give you two a moment,” the doctor murmured as she stashed the wand away and rolled the cart to the side. “Take all the time you need.”
The moment the door closed, Haisley turned her face into Nash’s chest with a sob. “A boy. Another little boy.”
“I know, baby.” He gathered her close, his own tears falling into her hair. “He’s healthy. He’s strong. And this time, we’re both here for him.”
She lifted her head, her blue eyes swimming. “I’m scared.”
“Me, too, baby.” He brushed his thumb across her damp cheek. “But I won’t let anything happen to either of you.”
“With everything I am.” He kissed her forehead, then her tearstained cheeks, before capturing her trembling lips. When he finally lifted his head, he managed a smile. “Trees is going to be insufferable about having a nephew to spoil. And Laila just wants a playmate for her kids.”