Wrong Mate (The Alpha Shifter Collection #19) Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: The Alpha Shifter Collection Series by Sam Crescent

Total pages in book: 39
Estimated words: 36931 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 185(@200wpm)___ 148(@250wpm)___ 123(@300wpm)

“Because there is nothing.”

She stood up, pressed her palms out flat, and began to shoot light over Leah’s body.

“Damn it, witch, you fucking stop!” He was about to hurt Lucinda when he stopped and saw it. A black swirl danced around Leah’s ankle.

“You fucking bitch,” Lucinda said.

Shoving up Leah’s jeans, Lucinda removed her sneaker and sock, and on the outside, it looked normal. Lucinda ran her hand across the ankle, and that was when he saw the single black nail embedded in her flesh.

“What the fuck is that?” he asked.

“The siren is attempting to kill her. It’s rare for this to happen. Most sirens are good and only seek to protect humans, but this is her trying to kill Leah.” Lucinda gritted her teeth. “I need to wake Leah up. This is not going to be pretty. That nail is sunk in deep, attempting to poison her.”

“I had no idea.”

“Killian, you’ve got to hold her. This is going to hurt.”

He nodded, wrapping his arms around Leah.

“Are you ready?” Lucinda asked.


She waved her hand and within seconds Leah was awake.

“What is going…” She stopped talking and began to scream.

Lucinda had exposed the area.

“You’ve got a siren’s nail in your flesh, Leah. It is why you’re feeling weak. I’ve got to get it out, otherwise you’re going to die.”

“That bitch,” Leah said.

“I’m going to start.”

Leah whimpered and Killian’s wolf came to the surface, growling at Lucinda.

“Get your shit together,” Lucinda said. “I’m going to have to do this, and you can’t.”

“Do it. Just get it done,” Leah said.

Killian didn’t know exactly what Lucinda was doing, but whatever it was, he had to hold Leah down, as the scream that tore through her lips filled his senses, and not in a good way. He had to fight his wolf, who wanted to take Lucinda out for hurting his mate.

Leah’s hands began to glow.

“Hold her down!” Lucinda cried out.

He had no choice but to straddle Leah’s chest, pinning her hands above her head. She writhed in agony, screaming for it to stop, for it to come to an end, and the ringing in his ears made him wonder if he would ever be able to hear again.

Chapter Six

“Are you not going to get rid of that?” Killian asked.

Leah held the ugly nail in her hands. it was long and had been embedded into her flesh, connecting with bone, and slowly killing her. She hadn’t even thought to check her body for any possible damage.

She was thankful for Lucinda.

“No. This can be used in a spell. It might come in handy one day.”

“A banished siren’s nail?”

“Yep. Trust me. A witch can use a whole lot of ingredients to come up with spells and incantations. We’re always learning.”

She wrapped the nail in some bandage and slid it into her bag.

“You’re looking sad, sweetheart,” he said.

Leah smiled. “Sweetheart.”

He rolled his eyes. “It’s a term of endearment, and I thought you and I had this agreement to give this mating thing a go while we’re on our quest.”

“True.” She sighed.

“So tell me what’s troubling you,” he said.

“It’s Lucinda.”

“What about her?”

“She was here, watching over me. The coven doesn’t trust me at all. I don’t understand why they forced me to come along when they don’t think I’m capable of doing this.”

“I called her,” Killian said. “Lucinda and I go way back. She’s pissed at me over what I did to you, but we’re goodish friends. She listened to my call.”

“Why did you call her?”

“You were weak, Leah, and you’re not a wolf. You get weak without food.”

“True.” She smiled. “I had no idea you knew that.” She frowned. “Are you blushing?”


“You were worried about me?”

“Yeah, I was. I had no idea that could happen. Did you?”

“Yeah, I have read about it. It’s rare for a siren to let her captives escape, but the death is long and painful. As you saw, no one has a way of knowing how it happened, or how to stop it. It’s deadly.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t see it.”

“Killian, only magic can show what can’t be seen.”

“And I forbid you to use magic.”

“It kind of hasn’t stopped me from using it.”

“I know that, Leah, but you’ve used it for protection.” He shook his head. “I take away my command to forbid you to use magic.”

“You want me to use magic?” Leah asked.

“Not against me. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t turn me into a toad or a puppy or whatever.”

“I bet you’d make a very cute puppy.”

“My wolf doesn’t agree. We’re both quite large.”

She giggled. “I did always want a dog.”

“Are you disrespecting me?”

“Isn’t that what a wolf is? A giant dog?”

He took a step toward her. “One day, I might just show you.”

She pressed her lips together. “I’d like that.”

He was talking about one day, in the future. She didn’t know when the next full moon was.


