Claiming What’s Mine Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 120
Estimated words: 109976 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 550(@200wpm)___ 440(@250wpm)___ 367(@300wpm)

I laid there for a few minutes more until I was sure she was out and then eased her off of me and got out of bed. I grabbed the robe I’d taken off of her earlier and pulled it on as I left the room. Time to get to work.

I headed to my home office and booted up the computer, pleased when I saw the email from Kevin. It was the list of people her dead husband owed money to, the fuck. I was more than a little surprised to find that the debt wasn’t as steep as I’d thought. But that only posed more questions than answers.

I didn’t check the time before calling the first name on the list and by the time I got through them all I was more confused than ever. I called Kevin back to give him more work.

“Bruh, it’s like fuck this shit o’clock, don’t you sleep? Us mortals need rest you know.”

“What the fuck was going on with this hump? I spoke to everyone on that list and they all said the same thing, someone else bought up his debt but they have no idea who.”

“You’re shitting me. Who the hell would do that? and why didn’t his family help him like they always do? It was only five mil and I’m sure they have that and more to spare.”

“That’s what I want to know as well, but first I need to find out who bought his debt.”

“Can I get two hours sleep before I look into it? Or will your world implode if you have to wait?” Asshole!

“As long as I have it by tomorrow” I checked my watch, “no, make that later today, you’re good.” I hung up the phone and sat in silent contemplation as I tried to put together all that I’d just learned.

For as long as I can remember, the senator has always cleaned up after his son. Sure five million dollars was a lot of money, but it was no more than a drop in the bucket for that family. So why didn’t he help him out this time? why did he let it get so bad that his kid put a gun to his head?

Though I had no real dealings with that family, I knew more about their inner workings than most. One, because of her association with them, and even before that, from my time at Wharton.

Back then when he was trying so hard to become part of my inner circle I’d had him checked out. That’s how I knew neither he nor his dad were the kind of people I wanted to associate with. They’re the type that gives the wealthy a bad name.

The senator is known for using his powerful position to do some of the shadiest shit known to man, but he always has a scapegoat ready and willing to take the fall, so have never faced retribution for his deeds. The son had been no better.

I remember how amazed I was in the beginning that someone like her had ended up in their midst. And I’m still amazed even now that she doesn’t seem to have been tainted by her time spent married to him.

I must’ve sat there for hours trying to find the right angle without success. Then I started to miss her again and had to go back to the bed where I’d left her not too long ago.

I was running before I took the third step, in a hurry to get back to her. I hope this feeling of excitement never fades. That I always feel this sweet rush at the thought of seeing her, being with her. This feeling of being reborn, of tapping into a new yet undiscovered side of me is something I never expected but I’m here for all of it. As long as it’s with her, only her. Damn!

I’ve never been this hopped up over anything other than a business deal before, but I’m not in the least bit surprised that she’s the one to make me feel this way. She’s owned my ass since the first time we met and that’s when I couldn’t have her. What more now that she’s finally mine.

I stood over her looking down at her sleeping face and all the love I’d hidden for the past two years welled up inside me again. If she’d opened her eyes in that moment she would’ve seen way too much, things I’m not quite ready to share just yet, so I’m lucky she was still out cold.

As I reached out to touch her I felt a rush of emotion so strong it almost took me to my knees. They’re some who think I’m above it all, invincible, cold, even overbearingly dominant in the world I lord it over. I wonder what they’d think if they could see me now. How weak I am over a girl.


