Claiming What’s Mine Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 120
Estimated words: 109976 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 550(@200wpm)___ 440(@250wpm)___ 367(@300wpm)

It also helped that while she was talking and laughing with them she had a death grip on my hand under the table where I was teasing her fingers with mine, and that every few minutes she’d look at me and smile.

I looked at my watch after the table was cleared. “It’s time to go.” I helped her up from the table and she fixed the hem of the ivory lace dress I’d chosen for her to wear. It wasn’t the traditional wedding gown that I’d wanted for her to wear to meet me down the aisle, but it’ll do.

“You nervous?” I squeezed her hand as we headed out to the car with the rest of the team following behind us. The smile she beamed at me before shaking her head no was more than enough for me to know that she was no longer holding anything back.

I was more nervous than I’d expected to be at the little impromptu ceremony. As I slid the matching wedding band onto her finger I realized for the first time the responsibility I was undertaking. In all the times I’d dreamed of this I never once took into account the actual feelings.

Her hand was steady while mine shook just a little bit from nerves and excitement. She’s finally mine, and the emotions that rushed through me when the ring was finally in place were overwhelming. I’d always seen the marriage ceremony as just a means to an end. But never did I expect it to make me feel the way I did.

She even looked different in my eyes when we walked out of the building where only Kev and Dave had joined us as witnesses. There was a new lightness to her step that wasn’t there before and her smile was open and free, her eyes bright.

I’d bought my own ring for her to put on my finger, which she said was only for now. According to her the first chance she gets she’s going to buy one with her own money. When I told her it wasn’t necessary she just gave me a look. I guess her long lost independence was coming back full force.

I wanted to take her back to the room and seal the deal but I’d promised to take her to see the infamous rock. Can’t break my first promise as a husband. Everyone was a lot more relaxed now that we’d left the states so our little outing was more like a fun adventure, even with the four men shadowing us.

We spent more than a few hours there, touring around the wildlife reserve after the water tour around the giant monolith and she had a good time helping Kev tease Dave about his family the macaque. It did my heart good to hear her laughter and see her so at peace.

By the time we headed back to the hotel she was nattering away like a magpie as she held onto my hand. This is my wife! That was the thought that kept running through my mind every few seconds as she told me about something or other she’d seen that day like I hadn’t been right there by her side.

I felt like an eighteen year old with my first girl, sweaty palms and all, and that sense of nervousness had yet to completely leave me. And the way I wanted her… there was a new intensity in my need. I felt a punch on my arm and jumped. What the fuck!

“Bruh, you need to chill!” She’d just excused herself to go to the restroom leaving me alone with Kev and Dave at the table in the restaurant I’d chosen for lunch. “What are you talking about now Kevin?”

“I’m talking about the way you’re looking at your woman, damn it’s embarrassing. Dave and I are on guard duty, our women are back home, take it easy you fuck!”

“I know that’s right.” Dave chimed in with his shit just as the waitress came to the table, saving both their asses from my tongue for the time being.

“How am I looking at her?” I was genuinely curious. Kev rolled his eyes like a bitch and made a face at the other one. “Like you wanna jump her that’s how. What’re you twelve? Have some damn control.” I should throat punch this fuck into the ether but I’m not in the mood.

“I figured it would be like this though, if you two ever got together.” Kev continued as he dug into the breadbasket of freshly baked bread. Dave nodded his head in agreement and I sat back and folded my arms as I listened to the two of them dig their holes even deeper.

“You should’ve seen him the night we went to the precinct. Fucker damn near jumped out of the car while I was doing eighty; pitiful.” Lying ass! How had he read my mind that night though?


