Claiming What’s Mine Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 120
Estimated words: 109976 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 550(@200wpm)___ 440(@250wpm)___ 367(@300wpm)

I wonder why he didn’t think of that shit before he started fucking with my wife, but maybe he was too far-gone with his sickness to stop. I didn’t really care what dad did to him, just as long as she was kept out of it. The way things were looking, dad was going to take care of destroying him, and all I’ll have to do is take him out when that shit drove him over the edge.

I wasn’t worried about the hit he wanted to put out on me. I just wanted the recording of him ordering that shit to use against him. I have complete faith in the team I have working for me and trust that Kev knows what he’s doing.

She slept away the rest of the afternoon until I woke her to get ready to leave. She opened her eyes and jumped out of bed making a mad dash for the bathroom to throw up. “Are you sick?” I was worried that dad’s little lunch date had been too much but she assured me that it wasn’t that, that she was just feeling a little bit off.

I’ve never had a sick wife before and didn’t know what to do, but seconds later she was fine and laughing at me for wanting to call in a doctor. She slept again on the plane and I was beginning to really freak the fuck out. But by the time we landed she was fine again.

“You do that throwing up shit again you’re going to the doctor.” I called around and got the names of the best in Milan just in case, but she didn’t show any signs of being ill for the rest of the day. It was ten in the morning there when we landed, only about three back in the states.

She hit the ground running, and by the end of the day we’d visited damn near every museum in the city. She said she was tired and barely touched her lunch and I had my finger on the phone ready to call in a doctor. But then she woke again a couple hours later with no signs of illness.

I was laying on the bed staring at her when she opened her eyes, ready to drag her ass to the doc to be looked over. I got even more spooked when she complained about her breasts being sore when I touched them later as we were making love.

“Okay baby, I’ll be gentle.” She was horny as fuck once I got her going and her pussy felt extremely hot compared to the day before. I figured she was about to start her cycle or some shit and was already mourning the loss of being close to her. Not a day had gone by in the last month that I hadn’t had her.

She almost fell asleep at the dinner table and once I took her up to bed and returned, the three of us sat around arguing about the best course of action. They both called jetlag, but I wasn’t sure, some fuck was off.

Then she woke in the middle of the night looking for dick and fucked my shit raw. Now usually I’m the one who starts shit, but tonight she was the one in control and swear to fuck I thought she was possessed. She was fuck wild.

In the morning she woke with that throwing up shit and ten minutes later she fucked me on the bathroom floor. Now I’m thinking she caught some sorta bug that was fucking with her system, I had no other explanation.

For the next day or so we took turns watching her and sure as fuck she had that shit on repeat. Barely touching her food, puking at all hours of the day, sleeping away most of it, and then waking up to fuck.

It was on the third day when I said fuck it I’m taking her to the doctor and Dave grabbed the keys headed for the door that Kevin the know it all dropped the bombshell. “You two are really stupid. Did we go to the same schools?” His ass was planted on the settee going nowhere.


“I want a boy, cause I’m not babysitting no girls, fuck that.” Both Dave and I looked at him and then it hit me. I stood there at the bottom of the stairs looking stupid for about ten seconds before my knees literally gave out on me.

“What’re you saying?”

“What do you think I’m saying numb nuts?”

Dave walked back in and sat down with a grin. “Damn Kev, he’s leaving us in the dust.”

“Speak for yourself I got a date with the delectable Celeste when we get back.”

The two of them went off on some shit while I found a chair and spazzed the fuck out. “She can’t be pregnant. Not now, not with all this shit going on.” I was starting to panic, something I have no experience with. I looked at the two of them like they had the answers but these fucks were going on about some uncle shit.


