Cord Read Online Jordan Silver (SEAL Team Seven #5)

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: SEAL Team Seven Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 97696 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 488(@200wpm)___ 391(@250wpm)___ 326(@300wpm)

“Boss, we’ve got trouble.”

“What kinda trouble Max?” I whistled for Jared, Tommy and the others as I headed for my ride. They didn’t ask any questions, just ran to their rides to follow. “Three men just showed up here posing as Children’s Services.”

“Where are my wife and kids?” I knew to stay cool until I got the whole story.

“Everyone’s safe, they don’t even know they were here. Kat’s upstairs with Cody and the others were in the basement taking their defense classes.” I eased my grip on the bars and breathed. “Tell me.”

“They weren’t expecting us, so it’s a toss up whether or not they were watching the place or not. When I answered the door there was a look of surprise. Then they tried selling me their spiel but when I asked more questions than they could answer they left.”

“Which direction were they headed in?”

“Josh slipped a tracker under the wheel well, they’re headed out towards DuPont.”

“Make, model and license number.” He gave me the info I needed as I changed tack and headed in the opposite direction away from home.

“I can give you blow by blow directions if you wanna follow. I have them on my screen as we speak.”

“Give it to me, and Max, my wife never hears about this.” I listened to his directions until I got a bead on where they were headed. “I know where they’re going. There’s an airfield about five miles from there. Go take care of my family ‘til I get there.”

I sped up and my boys followed. I called them on the headpieces in their helmets and relayed the news. “We go in hot. I don’t know what we’re gonna find there so be prepared for everything.”

By the time we got there- there was one plane on the runway and a blue SUV pulling in. I directed half my guys towards the plane while the other half followed me towards the vehicle. I drew my piece even before the wheels on my ride had stopped turning.

They saw us coming but it was too late for them to do anything since my boys had their guns out and pointed at their heads through the closed windows. I dragged the driver’s door open, pulled him out and pushed the nozzle against his temple, while my guys took care of the rest. “Looking for me? What the fuck were you doing at my house?” I looked around for a place to shoot the fuck without all the eyes I was sure were on me watching, but there was none. “Get in.”

“Jared follow us to the slaughterhouse. You move over.” I spoke to one of the men seated in the seat behind the driver. I climbed into the very back with the other two in front of me. “Drive.” I gave him directions while they tried to explain their bullshit away. “Do you have any idea what you’re getting yourself into? We are here on direct orders…”

“Shut the fuck up and drive asshole. One more word out of you and I’ll pop your friend here.” The asshole in question grunted when I stuck the gun in his ear. I took their measure as we drove. I could tell from the quiet fuck in front of me that he was the one in charge. He hadn’t said a word since the whole thing started, but he never stopped looking for a way out. Even with his back turned, I could see the tenseness in his body. Fight or flight.

“I wouldn’t risk it asshole, you even twitch and I’ll blow your head off.” He went even more still but I didn’t ease up. We reached the warehouse in less than ten minutes and I dragged him out first. “Bring them in.”

The warehouse was our little playhouse. It’s where I take offal to deal with if I was planning more than a little threat. “Start talking, who sent you to my house?”

“Mr. Lyon I presume.” This fuck thought he was on a movie set or some fuck, if the smirk he gave me was anything to go by. “Yeah that’s me, now talk.” He fixed his cuff and looked around like he was in charge. If I didn’t need him to tell me who the fuck was on my ass, I would put one in his head and be done with this shit.

He was dead the minute he walked up to my door, but for now, I’ll let him play at being the man. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. My colleagues and I work for the government. We were simply there to follow up on a report of child endangerment in your home.”

“A complaint from who?”

“I’m not at liberty to say. Suffice it to say we were carrying out our duties…”

“You’re a lying fuck. Since when does the division of children’s services send goons to make house calls?”

“Colt, I found something.” Jared had gone through the van and found an attaché case under the driver’s seat. He had it open on the table rifling through it while Tommy and the others held the other goons against the wall at gunpoint.

“What you got?” He held up a handful of photos that turned out to be some kind of surveillance on my family. “What the fuck?” They even had Mengele in there-fuck that-not my little girl. “Anything in there, about who these fucks work for?”

“Nope, but they have a shitload of stuff on you.” I turned my attention back to asshole number one. “So, what exactly were you gonna do with my kids if my men had been dumb enough to fall for your ploy? You know what, don’t answer.” The shot to the leg wasn’t meant to get anything out of him. I hit the femoral artery. His ass ought to bleed out in five minutes or less. “Finish them.”

I walked away without looking back. Looks like the battle had just begun. I didn’t wait around to see about the clean up, my boys knew what to do. Whoever had sent them could figure out what the fuck had happened to them when they didn’t turn up, but I wasn’t too worried about it. These fucks want to fly under the radar. I’m the right motherfucker for their ass.


