Cord Read Online Jordan Silver (SEAL Team Seven #5)

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: SEAL Team Seven Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 97696 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 488(@200wpm)___ 391(@250wpm)___ 326(@300wpm)

It was the only thing that made sense. The shit had been going on for years and no one had ever heard so much as a whisper about it. The more we uncovered the more shit we stepped in. But Lo was right, there were still a lot of unanswered questions, and we all know those can lead to a shitload of problems.

So far the enemy seemed to have all the answers, while we were walking blind. I don’t like those odds. “Why the fuck are they scraping the bottom of the barrel? Don’t they have enough enlisted men to do their dirty work without hiring ex-cons?”

“We sure those IDs are legit Quinn?”

“Yep, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be a cover. I’ll know more once I do a deep search.”

“Mancini. Somehow I think he might be able to get us those answers.” Logan folded his arms and looked back towards the water where Ty and I had left the bodies.

“I’ll get the prints off the IDs, did you toss the bodies Cord?”

“Yeah, they weren’t carrying anything else on them, which now that I think of it is passing strange. Who the fuck goes to do a job with their ID on them?”

“Not unless they’re fuck stupid. I’m done this is it. They keep coming after our women for some fucked up reason. Why not us? No one has made a move against us so far. So I gotta wonder just what the fuck is going on here anyway.”

Zak it seems had come to the same realization I had. We’d looked into the old man, had even started looking back at some of our old Ops. We’ve never harmed women or children so if the Fox was the one running this show, he could not be after us because we’d hurt one of his or some fuck.

If the man we’d come to know was out for blood, he would’ve come after us on his turf. But then again how well can you really know a cowardly fuck that hides behind his people?

“So you’re saying the one common denominator here is the girls. Why?”

“I don’t get it either Dev, it makes no sense. How could they know we were gonna come here and settle down? How could they know Susie was gonna be mine? She was in that book long before we met.”

“Yes, but she was the only one of ours that was in there. They never came after Dani and Gaby until after they hooked up with us.”

“That’s true Connor, and Khalil went after Vanessa when she was in the service, but only after her and I had hooked up.”

“Don’t forget Law’s and Creed’s, and now we know they went after Khalil as well.” Logan reminded us of something we’d overlooked.

“So it’s our women, ‘Our’ women, but why? We never killed any women or children when we went after that fuck, so what’s he up to?” I can’t believe we missed it. All this time we thought the only reason the girls had been in danger was because of their association with us. That it was my brothers and I they were really after. But what if they were the targets all along? And if so, why?

“Why would The Fox go after women? If this thing was about us running him to ground and destroying his operation, why not just try to destroy us, why them? This doesn’t sit right. We’re missing something I just don’t know what the fuck that can be. But I’m no longer willing to sit around trying to figure it out while they take shots at us.”

“Okay, the embezzlement thing with Dani’s firm, we’re agreed that was a separate issue.”

“Or a coincidence Logan. I didn’t know her and she wasn’t that close to the commander. If what Cord is saying is true, then they knew that Susie was the commander’s kid. How they know is yet to be seen, but they know.”

“And what? They’re trying to kill our women because we went after Khalil? That still makes no sense.”

“Well Dev, we’re just gonna have to connect the dots because that’s the only thing that makes any sense.”

The more we stood there trying to figure shit out, the more I wanted to go be with my woman. I needed to feel her next to me, to reassure myself that she was okay. I hadn’t even had a chance to look at her neck, fuck. Just as I was about to leave Lo’s phone rang.




“I see you left us a little present, next time the girl won’t be so lucky.” Lo had the speaker on so I heard that fuck loud and clear. “Cord…” I held my hand up to stop him from saying anything else. My temper was up a few notches and there was no outlet. That’s a dangerous fucking thing.

“You have the trace on?” He nodded yes and followed as I headed for the commander’s place. “Let’s see who our caller is.” The fucking call hadn’t been long enough, no trace and the voice didn’t sound familiar.

“I’m taking point on this one Lo, I’m not gonna argue with you about it.” My phone rang this time before all hell could break loose. “Yeah.” Lo was still giving me the look that meant this wasn’t over but for once I was willing to bear his wrath.

“This is Susie and Davie’s mother, where are my children, what happened to them?” I barely bit back the words of anger that burned a hole in my tongue. “They’re here, with me.”

“Why, I thought I made it clear that I wanted them home with me.”

“Really, where were you when your daughter was almost strangled in her fucking bed? You wanted them home but couldn’t even spare one night of your busy fucking life?” The others moved forward, each man ready to cut me off, but the shit needed to be said.

“Give me the phone brother.” My hands shook in anger as Con took the phone out of my hand. I walked away because I had no interest in anything she had to say. Con got off the phone a few minutes later with a heavy sigh. “Cord…”


