Don’t Fall for Your Ex-Boyfriend’s Brother (Magnolia Ridge #5) Read Online Logan Chance

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary Tags Authors: Series: Magnolia Ridge Series by Logan Chance

Total pages in book: 59
Estimated words: 56005 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 280(@200wpm)___ 224(@250wpm)___ 187(@300wpm)

It’s as if my words are magic because she bites harder on my shoulder, muffling her cries as her orgasm rips through her.

Once she begins to settle, I pull my fingers out and lick them clean. “So fucking delicious.”

I feel her smile against me as I set her back onto her feet.

“That was unexpectedly amazing.”

I chuckle as I adjust my hard dick, before wrapping my arms around her. “It was perfectly unexpected.”

She grows quiet, and I can tell she’s lost in her thoughts again, worrying about what will happen when we leave the comfortable darkness of this moment and step into the harsh light of reality. I can almost feel the tension in her, the weight of her unspoken concerns.

“Tripp?” Her voice is soft, hesitant, like she’s searching for reassurance.

I run my fingers through her silky hair, the familiar motion calming us both. I smile, even though I know she can’t see it in the darkness. “I don’t have all the answers,” I begin, knowing that’s what she needs to hear. “And I know that’s what you’re going to ask. The truth is, I can’t predict everything that will come our way. But there’s one thing I do know—we both deserve to always feel the excitement and happiness we have when it’s just the two of us.”

I pause, letting the words sink in, hoping they give her the comfort she needs. “We’ll figure it all out,” I continue, my voice steady with determination. “I’m not saying it’ll be easy—because it probably won’t be. But nothing worth having ever is. And this, what we have, is worth everything to me.”

“This is why you can write romance, Tripp,” she says softly, her voice filled with admiration. “Because in reality, you are everything you write about. I know this won’t be easy, but I’m willing to take the risk. What we have is worth everything to me too.” As she speaks, her hands glide up and down my back, sending shivers of warmth through me, grounding me in the moment.

“I’m going to make this work, Millie,” I reply, my tone firm with determination, “but first, you need to end your date with Oliver.” I can’t help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all.

She lets out a small laugh, but I can sense the dread behind it. “I’m dreading that, but I don’t think it’ll be as difficult as you think. There’s a girl at the bar that he clearly has something going on with.”

The thought of Oliver never really having Millie—and never will—lifts a weight off my shoulders. But there’s a flicker of anger too, knowing he’d ask Millie out when he’s interested in someone else. The nerve of him.

“Good,” I say, a bit of possessiveness creeping into my voice. “Have him take you home and text me when you get there. I’ll come over after I finish working, and we’ll talk, if you aren’t too tired.”

She nods, her hand lingering on my arm as if reluctant to let go. “I’ll be waiting, Tripp. There’s so much more I want to say, but I’ll save it for when we can really talk.”

With that, the reality of what’s to come settles between us, but the anticipation of what could be outweighs any lingering doubt.

Chapter 19


I pace my cozy, eclectic apartment, the soft glow of the string lights casting warm shadows on the walls as I wait for Tripp to arrive after his shift at work. The clock on the mantle ticks away the seconds, each one amplifying the knot of anxiety tightening in my stomach. Just as I’d predicted, the date with Oliver ended rather quickly. We exchanged pleasantries over dinner, but I could tell his attention wasn’t on me. His eyes kept wandering to the woman seated at the bar, her laughter filling the space between us. When I mentioned I wasn’t feeling well, he didn’t hesitate to drive me home.

Since then, I’ve been a bundle of nervous energy—cleaning the already tidy apartment, attempting to read but losing my place in the same paragraph over and over again, and pacing the length of the living room until I feared I’d wear a groove in the floor. My thoughts race as I glance at the clock again. What if Tripp doesn’t show up? Maybe he’s changed his mind? The conversation we had inside that broom closet feels like a lifetime ago. Could everything he said have been a lie? No, I tell myself firmly. I felt the sincerity in his words, saw the emotion in his eyes.

I pull out my phone, my fingers hovering over the screen as I draft a text, but before I can hit send, there’s a knock at my door. My breath catches, heart slamming against my ribcage as I rush to the door. With trembling hands, I yank it open, my heart pounding with a mixture of hope and fear as I finally see Tripp standing there.


