Eden High Finale Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 66099 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 330(@200wpm)___ 264(@250wpm)___ 220(@300wpm)

Since we don’t drink, we celebrated with reminiscence and tall tales. The laughter and love around my family’s den is what it’s all about. And then, my mother, who I’m giving serious thought to disowning, had come up with the idea at bedtime that Sian should sleep away from me because of some antiquated rule that makes no damn sense. And that is where the fun began.

She didn’t get any sleep all night because I couldn’t leave her alone. And then today, I saw her after she got all dolled up for the wedding and she looked so beautiful, like every dream I’ve had of her on this day.

I fooled her with the ‘let me show you something’ move and that’s how we ended up back here again, where it all began. Today I wasn’t going to think about anything but her. Later there’ll be time enough for other things, but today was all about her.

“Let’s go get married then beautiful.” I pulled out of her and fucked with her by kissing her flat stomach. I laughed my ass off at the look on her face and got myself together. Just in time too because I heard the moms coming up the stone path with their shit.

* * *

My house looked like a country club with the line of limos and carriages in the driveway. I almost had second thoughts about letting her ride in an open carriage but it’s what she said she wanted and I’d given in. Plus it served another purpose. Every reporter worth their salt was here, but most importantly, the one I’d tapped for an exclusive.

Track was the only one of us already married but I’d talked him into renewing his vows today as well, because I knew he hadn’t had a real ceremony the first time and I had it from my girl that his wife really wanted a real wedding.

They were all nervous as hell and Track was no help with his shit. He kept scaring both Jared, and Shane with stories about losing their freedom. They thought he was playing around, but I detected the seriousness in his words.

I pulled him aside once we pulled up outside the venue. “What was that?

“If they’re not in this shit for the long haul they should pull out now. Too many people take marriage as a joke.

“Uh huh! This have anything to do with your sister and the SEAL?”

“You should’ve seen the way that fuck was looking at her.”

“And how was that again?”

“Kinda like the way I look at Val…” He broke off and glared at me.

“Whose fucking side are you on?”

“You have to ask? Come on let’s get me married your sister’s going to be fine.”

“How do you know that?”

Because you never would’ve let her leave with them no matter how many of them they were if you didn’t believe that.”

I turned to the flashing cameras and waved before heading into the building. I didn’t see the million flowers, or the candle lighting instead of electricity the moms had gone with to give the place that special ambience.

Neither did I see the almost five hundred people that had been invited as I stood with the others waiting for her. I had no idea how a quadruple wedding was supposed to work but mom had taken care of that as well.

When I got the idea my only worry was that Sian might feel cheated if she had to share her day, but I should’ve known my girl. She was as excited about it as I was. For me it was just one more thing for all of us to share.

Alex and Cassie were everybody’s best man and bridesmaid I guess and it was good to see the kid with a smile on her face for once. I wasn’t nervous until the music started playing and we turned to watch the girls walk towards us.

They looked even more nervous than we did, and I was reminded once again, that we were all teenagers doing a very grown up thing. When I think of it like that, it can be a bit daunting.

But when I look at who we are as people, our ages don’t matter and I know we can make this happen. That where so many others had failed we won’t because we had what it takes.

All I wanted was for everyone standing there at that altar to make it, to be happy and stay happy. As the priest went on with his spiel, I remembered the conversation I’d had with dad up in his study before leaving in the limo.

He’d reminded me of all the things my boys and I had achieved together, from our earliest days together until now. He too saw what I see. He too wanted that for his son, that I would always be surrounded, by those I love and who love me. And these nine people right here, are the ones I’m going to take to the top with me no matter what.


