Eden High Finale Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 66099 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 330(@200wpm)___ 264(@250wpm)___ 220(@300wpm)

He was stiff and heavy when I pulled him from the front seat and dragged him over to the dumpsters. I propped him up as best I could, like a Halloween prop. Somebody will find him soon enough. Now to find something to clean up the seat. Eww! I didn’t know the dead leaked.

There was no getting rid of the scent so I ran back to the building but couldn’t find my way in. In the end I used my cheering uniform to sop up the wet in the seat and decided to put up with the smell until I could get to the store to steal something to take care of it.

I placed some more bags from the trash under my ass on the seat because I didn’t want to sit in whatever that was that smelt so awful.

* * *


* * *

“Hey, why did you take so long to answer? It’s done.”

“That’s good, how did it go?”

“Exactly as we expected. She wanted to get high, I told you that’s how she gets when she’s really upset. She wants to get high and screw anything with a dick.

“And did you take her to the school?”

“Oh yeah, she got hers, but I think she got a lot more from Sid and his gang. She was with those guys for at least three days before I went and got her. I almost couldn’t get her out.”

“And the phone and computer stick, you sent them where I told you to?”

“Yes Shane, I did everything just like you said. The phone went to that cop you mentioned and the stick to the PO. Box.”

“Okay, that’s good.”

“So where are you? And how come I can’t see you? You’re not still messing with that loser Tammy are you?” I let her laugh only because I knew in the next few minutes she will be crying.

“You mean my wife?”

“Your what? Quit playing.

“Can I ask you a question? Did you know that bitch was planning to set Sian up to be murdered?” It’s amazing how different she is from my girl. I know for a fact that my girl, none of our girls, would ever be this fucking evil.


“Yeah, you did. And did you forget what Jace means to me? Do you really think I would choose you over him?”

“Shane, what are you saying? Your wife…?”

“Yes, you should have a look at the photo I just sent you. Keep it as a reminder of why you shouldn’t fuck with the wrong people”

“You used me?”

“Yep! Count yourself lucky that we’re letting you off this easy. She almost lost her life, all you lost is someone who was never yours to begin with.”

I hung up the phone on her screams and hoped that was the last time. Jace owes me big time for that shit. Now I have to go explain this shit to my wife and hope she and her girls don’t scalp me.

* * *


* * *

“Can we stay here Jace?” We were in one of the hammocks on he beach together watching the others try to fly a kite.

“Is that what you want?”

“I lifted my head off his chest and saw that he was dead serious.

“Get a grip Jace it was just a joke.” Paranoid much! He thinks I don’t know he’s still afraid of something happening to me once we go back. Though there was some kind of moratorium on the subject of my house being blown up I’ve been doing some thinking.

Things were starting to click, but either the guys had gotten after the girls, or Jace the nut had gotten after everyone because no one was talking to me. I had my ways though and though they were slower than his, they worked nonetheless.

At least he’d had the last few days here to relax and so had I and everyone else. We were so far removed from Eden High that none of what had happened back there could blemish our island paradise.

We didn’t even do half the things we’d said we would, because no one wanted to leave, it was that peaceful here. But all good things must come to an end and we were heading home in a couple hours.

“Let’s get you inside babe, you’ve had enough sun.” Did I bother to argue? Waste of time. Besides, I know what he’s really after. It’s like the ocean breeze has made him more of a horn dog than usual.



* * *

Good, I have a half a tank of gas. Dammit, I should’ve checked his pockets before getting rid of him. I reached into the glove compartment now as I eased into traffic, but there was nothing there of use to me. Waste of space.

I got that itch again but I knew the twenty I had wasn’t going to be enough. I gave some serious thought to selling off the car, but thought better of it for now. I’ll think of something.


