Eden High Finale Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 66099 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 330(@200wpm)___ 264(@250wpm)___ 220(@300wpm)

I crawled away on my hands and knees, too weak to stand on my feet. There was an itch under my skin and I knew that meant I needed a hit. Like really bad.

I didn’t have a purse and my money was long gone. I was brought close to tears when I realized that I had no way of getting out of there naked as I was and covered in filth. Then I remembered my locker. I’d never emptied it and no one had sent my stuff.

I made my way there hoping that my things were still there and was happy to find my cheering outfit as well as some shorts and a tee that I’d left behind. There was also a twenty dollar bill in my emergency stash which I grabbed with the rest of my stuff, along with the backup makeup bag I kept there.

I took a much needed shower in the school bathroom before getting dressed in the shorts and tee and sneaking out the back door. I felt much better now that I’d had a chance to clean up, but that hunger was starting to ride me really hard now.

I still had no vehicle and the thought of walking anywhere made me feel sick. The worst thing that could happen to me right now is for me to run into someone I know or used to know.

With my body and mind warring against each other, one for a hit and the other trying to hold a thought long enough to get myself out of the current situation, I stepped out in the afternoon light.

My stomach growled with hunger, but that hunger was nowhere near as bad as the other. If I didn’t get a fix soon I’d die. What the hell did they give me anyway?

I’ve heard of dealers lacing their shit with stuff to make it a better high, to make their clients more addicted so they’d keep coming back. But I didn’t know it worked so quickly. Or was this something else?

I kept trying to recall what all I’d done, but my thoughts kept getting jumbled and I soon stopped trying. Though I was close to tears once I realized I was stuck.

But that soon changed when I walked around the building and saw the principal’s Mercedes Benz parked out back. I had my smile already in place, already forgetting that he’d ratted me out. All was forgiven.

I didn’t stop to wonder why he was parked there, just rushed over before he saw me coming. Lucky for me I’d found a way to clean up. Even his old ass wouldn’t have wanted me with all that gunk all over me.

I tested my breath which was still not the freshest, but it was not as bad as when I first woke up here. I guess you can say I snuck up on his car just in case he saw me and tried to run. For some reason my antics made me giggle.

I tugged on the door handle before he could stop me, or even know that I was there. My mind was still a little sluggish, maybe from the drugs, so it took a while to process what I was seeing once I had the door ajar.

His mouth was open, his head back on the headrest, eyes staring into nothing. There was an oddness to the way he held his body, but what finally broke through the fog in my mind, was the stench. That and the hole in his head that I hadn’t noticed because it was filled with flies.

I fell back on my ass hard with a scream locked off in my lungs and looked around for help. There was no one, those asshole kids had probably already split. School was out for the holiday after all.

Think Mandy, think. I couldn’t think right now, it felt like the hardest thing in the world to do. But then common sense kicked in and my natural survival instinct.

Shit, he’s already dead, I didn’t kill him, so what does it matter if I take his car. He’s not gonna miss it and he certainly won’t need it where he’s going. Old pervert. Again my thoughts made me laugh out loud.

I didn’t want to touch him so looked around for something to help. There was nothing around but pavement and grass so I went in search of something near the dumpsters that lined the back wall of Eden High. I don’t think I’d been back here in years.

When you run things you don’t usually have to hide and do the things that losers usually came back here to do. I had a quick flash of their screaming faces from earlier and with the drugs wearing off, those kicks and punches were starting to hurt.

I rummaged around in one of the dumpsters and found some plastic bags and used them to wrap around my hands. This time the stench from his dead ass was horrific.


