Eden High Finale Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 66099 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 330(@200wpm)___ 264(@250wpm)___ 220(@300wpm)

“Nice try but you’re not getting involved.”

“You do know that you should always expect the unexpected when dealing with someone like her right. Her kind doesn’t take well to being cornered.”

“Why do you think Sian is here? Why all of you are here?”

“I knew that’s what you were doing, but if the cops don’t nab her before we get back and she’s still on the loose there’s no telling what she might do.”

He had a point. I still didn’t know where Stanley was. Dad was about to put the squeeze on his father in a little while and I was hoping it would be time enough to tie shit up neatly and be done with it once and for all.

I used to think I wanted her dead, but I don’t. I want her to live and suffer, suffer horribly for what she did to all those people that she trampled beneath her feet. And mostly for daring to put hands on what’s mine. For that, she can’t suffer enough if you ask me.

I had to rein in my more savage intentions, because my mother and my wife are female, I couldn’t cross certain lines though I was tempted. So I’d just put things in place to help make her self destructive decisions easier.

“It’ll be fine. If she spent the last few days where I think she has, she’ll be in no shape to do shit to anyone.”

* * *


* * *

“Where’s my phone?” That bitch Liz took my phone. But’s that okay, I have all that stuff stored in my head anyway. I moved my leg and felt the warm body next to me. Squinting my eyes open, I looked around the darkened room but could make out nothing.

There were bodies all over the floor, the couch, the chairs, everywhere. Where am I? I put my hand to my head as I sat up. “Ouch!”

“Hey baby, where’re you going? The party’s not over yet.”

I opened my mouth to ask him who he was, but someone else held my breasts from behind and I got distracted. My head wasn’t exactly spinning, but I was definitely on a different kind of high than I’m used to.

I’ve been doing lines since I was about fourteen, and had never felt this completely out of it. Before I could object, not that I really wanted to, I felt myself being laid back down again.

Pretty soon there were hands everywhere and I forgot everything but the feelings coursing through me. How much coke did I do anyway? It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered but how good it felt to be touched.

I grinned and opened my legs to the hands that pressed me there, while taking someone into my mouth. I stopped thinking altogether when I felt a cock slide into me hard while someone else pinched my nipples. Bliss!

* * *

Why is it so bright? I held my hand up in front of my face as the bright sunlight hurt my eyes. My mouth tasted and smelt foul and my skin was sticky and itchy. I scratched my stomach and thigh where the worst of the itch was. There was a burning between my thighs that I couldn’t explain.

I tried to remember the last day or so, but my mind was filled with writhing bodies, loud music and the best high of my life. “Wake up bitch.” Someone splashed something cold in my face.

“Hey, what the fuck are you doing?” I tried getting to my feel but fell back to the ground, hard enough to make my elbow sting. “Shit that hurts.” Why am I so uncoordinated?

“Not as much as this is going to bitch.” I felt a punch to my face and remembered Liz doing the same thing not too long ago. I squeezed my eyes open and saw that it was her again.

“So what I fucked your dad, he wasn’t even that good. Get over it.” I heard the snickers and realized for the first time that we weren’t alone. Now my eyes came fully open as I realized where I was.

“What the hell am I doing here? What are you freaks doing? I’ll call the cops.”

“And tell them what? How you’ve been extorting money from men? Or how about planning someone else’s murder?”

“Shut up you fucking cow before I make you.” I rushed her and only then realized I was naked. Naked in the school auditorium with about thirty kids standing around.

“What the fuck is this? How did I get here?” I wracked my brain again. The last thing I remember clearly, is walking down the driveway at home after being kicked out.

Liz had pulled up almost immediately and I was so happy to see a friendly face I forgot to be suspicious. That bitch Kelly had said she knew about me fucking her dad.


