Ox – The Ahole Club Read Online Blue Saffire

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Erotic, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 97426 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 487(@200wpm)___ 390(@250wpm)___ 325(@300wpm)


I place a hand on my hip and one on the back of my neck as I look down at Lex holding our son, cooing him to sleep. It’s been an hour and he still won’t pass out.

“Fuck,” I mumble.

I need his little ass to go back to sleep so I can give his mommy this hammer. I’m still hard as fuck from that kiss. The liquor coursing through me isn’t helping.

“Ant, babe, you might as well sit down. You’re the reason he won’t settle,” Lex laughs.

I pull a hand down my face and groan before I unbuckle my belt and unzip my pants. I need to get these things off before I rip a hole through them.

I climb on the bed beside them in my boxer briefs and lie on my back. AJ immediately wiggles free of his mother’s hold and climbs over to come straddle my chest.

I give him a drunken smile and reach to palm his head. He smiles back, but it’s clear he’s about to lose his battle with sleep. He scoots down a bit and lies down with his head over my heart.

“He loves you so much,” Lex says as she runs her hand through his hair.

I close my eyes and think this all through. I lose my hard-on as this situation as a whole sets in. When I open my eyes again, Lex is staring back at me nervously.

“Speak up, Lex. What’s on your mind?”

“I’m sort of glad we had to pump the brakes. I want us back. You’re the real reason I want to come home. It’s not home if it’s without you.”

“I spent years trying to figure out why you left me. Was there someone else? Did I push too hard?

“Did I say something too harsh? I could spiral out just listing all the things that went through my head. You know what the worse part was?”

“No,” she almost whispers.

“I never stopped loving you. You were my best friend. I trusted you enough to be vulnerable. You, of all people, know I wasn’t raised to show weakness, but that’s all I’ve ever done with you. You were my safe place, Lex.”

“I know, Ant. Having to decide between breaking your heart and keeping you and everyone you cared about safe was the hardest decision I’ve ever made.

“And it just kept growing from there. My family was tied in, and I just didn’t know what to do. My dad was one thing.

“He found trouble everywhere he went. My aunt and uncle tried to stay away from that,” she explains.

“And him?” I point to our son sleeping on my chest.

“I wanted to come home as soon as I found out I was pregnant. I tried, I got to Sunnyside and that’s when I learned how deep this was. That’s when I saw Ven was one of your close friends.

“I wasn’t going to be the reason you all went to jail. Especially not the father of my unborn son.”

I purse my lips and look up at the ceiling. Pit’s voice is playing in the back of my head. I know Lex is a fighter. That’s one of the reasons I thought she’d fight for us.

“This was your way of fighting this time,” I say more as a statement than a question.

“Yeah, Ant. No matter how long or what it took, I was going to get us home to you, but first, he needed to know who you were and not just through pictures. He needed you as much as I did,” she says.

I reach for the back of her head and tug her to me. Our teeth and tongues collide. I groan as she moans, getting lost in the feel and taste of her sweet mouth.

AJ whimpers, bringing us back to the room. He pushes Lex back in his sleep before snuggling in deeper. She laughs.

“I guess you’re all his for tonight.”

I smirk and glance down at him. “We’ll talk more tomorrow. Get some sleep. I don’t think we’re getting time alone for what I need.”

“Welcome to parenthood.” I stiffen. “Relax, Ant. I meant what I said. I’ve never cheated, not even close. What I mean is that I don’t get time alone with my vibrator. As soon as I stick my hand in the drawer, his nosy little butt pops up.”

“That’s my boy,” I croon and rub his back.

“Really, Ant?”

“Damn right, that pussy is still mine. I’m the only one who should be inside you.”

“It’s a vibrator.”

“If I’m not holding it or watching you use it, it doesn’t belong.”

“So you remained celibate while we were apart?”

“Damn near.” I frown. “The trash I plowed through doesn’t have a right to count.”

“You’re still an asshole, you know that?”

“What’s your point? There’s no need to pretend we don’t know this,” I say tiredly.

“We have a lot of time to make up for,” she purrs.


