Ox – The Ahole Club Read Online Blue Saffire

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Erotic, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 97426 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 487(@200wpm)___ 390(@250wpm)___ 325(@300wpm)

“We’ll be fine. Thanks for everything, guys.”

Ox gives Lex’s back a little squeeze. She looks up at him. He dips his head and pecks her lips. She looks as if her entire body relaxes.

Yeah, they’ll be fine. My phone rings, grabbing my attention.

“Hello,” I say into the phone.

“Will,” Scarlett sniffles.

“Scarlett, what’s going on?”

“I need your help. I’ve been arrested.”

“Arrested? For what?”

“I don’t know. I’m so confused. No one will answer my questions. Please come get me out of here.”

“I’m on my way. Don’t say anything to anyone,” I bark into the phone.

I look up and Lex looks like all the blood has drained from her face. She starts to shake and back up as if she’s going to run.

“Ant, it’s because of me. It’s starting. I can’t be here. You can come with us. Me, you, and AJ, we can run and keep them all safe.”

“Lex, calm down, baby. I’m not running anywhere. Let us handle this. My uncle isn’t going to allow Scarlett to sit in a jail cell.”

Skittles’s phone rings and she answers. “Hello?” She looks at me as she listens intently. “Yes. I’m on my way.”

“What’s going on?” I ask.

“Someone broke into the shop. The police need me to come in.”

Lex starts to sob. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

“This isn’t your fault, honey,” Skittles coos.

Ox wraps his arms around her and AJ as the poor little guy starts to cry with his mommy. My blood boils. I want answers.

“She’s right, baby. You haven’t stepped foot in Vander. How would they know?”

“I tried to tell you. I didn’t step in Vander the other two times either. They knew I was close. Don’t ask me how. I don’t know, but I know this is happening because I’m here.”

“This ain’t stopping shit. We’re bringing you home once and for all,” I say.

“Go take care of Scarlett and the shop. I’ve got things here,” Ox says.

“I’ll keep you posted.”

Chapter 37

Tell It Like It Is


I sit at the game room bar with a glass of scotch in my hand. My head is ready to explode as I hold it in my other palm. We haven’t confirmed all this crap is connected to Lex being too close to Vander, but I’m not a man to believe in coincidence.

I just got Lex back, I’m not going to allow anyone to take her from me. Uncle Blake and Pit are doing all they can to get to the bottom of this. Still, I feel we’re missing something.

At least, Will and I are. I know my uncle. Something in his voice said he knew more than he was saying. I can’t help but wonder if he’s keeping something from me… or is he holding back from Pit?

“Have you found out who you married?” he asked after Pit hung up.

“I married Alexis Smith. She’s the governor’s niece. Will’s married to her cousin,” I replied.

“You’re getting warmer. Do you remember what I told you the first time I explained who we are?”

“Everyone in Bridge Lake and Vander is connected in one way or another.”

“I took a look at those photos Pit got from Alexis. It seems this person understands the rules. Those pictures all paint a story. Not necessarily the one their narrative serves, but a story nonetheless.”

I sat thinking his words over. Those pictures have been on my mind. They do connect a lot of dots if you know what you’re looking at. I don’t think Lex does.

“Uncle Blake, I know who my grandfather is,” I blurted out.

I’m not sure what made me spill that secret. It just felt like it was time. It’s like a weight was lifted off my chest.

“I’ve been waiting for you to come clean. Although, that’s not the story we’re looking at this time either. The time will come for your pappoús. Soon enough, he will reveal himself to us all and let us know what he wants.

“Look closer. I believe we’re all overlooking something here. I want to check on a thing or two and I’ll point you and Will in the right direction. Get some rest.”


“No need to thank me, you know how I feel about family. You boys will have what Nicky and I couldn’t. I promise that with everything I am.”

With that, he hung up and left me with my thoughts. I bare my teeth, then drain my glass. Lex took AJ up for a bath while I finished my calls. I want to go up and check on them, but I’m coiled like a bear ready to snap and protect his family and cave.

“Babe,” Lex calls and places a hand on my arm, pulling me from my thoughts.

I look up and catch a glimpse of the clock. It’s later than I thought. I totally lost track of time.

I turn to find her standing beside me in a black silk robe. Her hair is still up in that sleek ponytail from earlier. It makes her look younger and innocent.


