The Boyfriend Comeback (The Boyfriend Zone #1) Read Online Lauren Blakely

Categories Genre: M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Boyfriend Zone Series by Lauren Blakely

Total pages in book: 122
Estimated words: 117872 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 589(@200wpm)___ 471(@250wpm)___ 393(@300wpm)

I set the foam finger on the floor, then count for an eon.

Thirty interminable seconds later, the door creaks open. When Jason comes in and shuts it behind him, my libido tries to Incredible Hulk its way out of my chest. “Hey—”

“I threw this party for you,” he blurts.

I barely have time to react to that confession. He grabs my face, and I burn. His voice is pure desperation. “When I left your house last Friday, all I knew was I wanted to make plans to see you again. I had to find a way, so I threw this party just so I could see you again. Do something with you.”

“You didn’t need a party to see me. I’d have come over any night,” I admit, matching his confession with my own.

“Fuck,” he says, his tone thick with regret. “I should have just texted you on Monday and asked you to spend the night then. I knew I should have, but I stewed on it instead. But do you get it, Beck? I was dying for a chance to see you, even with other people around. I wanted to see you again so badly, I planned a fucking party.”

I’m buzzing all over. I’m going to rocket to the moon. It’s extraordinary to want and to be wanted. It’s exhilarating in ways football has only ever been to me.

Music pulses beyond the door. Voices float from the other rooms. He doesn’t seem to care. I don’t either. He dips his face closer to mine and brushes his mouth along my jaw. His lips worship me.

I want to climb him. But I’ve also learned a thing or two about Jason McKay—he likes a good, long tease. “Well, when does the party end?” I ask in a low and growly voice.

“Not soon enough.”

I slide a hand down his chest, over his abs, on a fast track for his cock. He groans when I squeeze his dick.

“Fuck,” he murmurs. “You’re going to kill me.”

“Don’t die. Let’s fuck instead,” I whisper.

“God,” he growls, then jerks up his gaze, staring hotly at me. “I’m not letting anyone stop me now. Most of all—me. Stay, Beck. Spend the night with me. Spend the morning with me. Don’t leave at five. Don’t leave tonight.”

Jason McKay begging me to stay is the most surreal thing that’s happened in my life.

I slide my hands up his chest, my fingers electric as I explore. I want to tease him. I want to drag out my yes. But my throat is dry, my body is aching, and my emotions can’t handle the on-again-off-again of the last several weeks. I want us all the way on even if it’s just after-hours. “I’ll stay, but tonight isn’t going to be the only time I spend the night with you,” I tell him, my voice hoarse as I lay myself on the line. “You better know that.”

“I know that. I want that too,” he says, and he sounds like he’s begging me.

I want to hold on to that sound forever. Only, it vanishes when he crushes my lips in the neediest kiss. As he consumes my mouth, I hear his desire in his sighs, his murmurs.

I hear, too, the risk of this kiss. One hundred people are beyond that door, and he’s kissing me like he’ll go mad without me.

I clutch at him, grabbing at his swim trunks, jerking him against me, feeling the hot, hard length of him against my jeans.

Then feeling the bare skin of his chest against mine.

When I break the kiss, I glance down at his shorts. He won’t be able to leave this room for a bit. I’m feeling pretty cocky about that as my eyes travel up his abs and torso, but I stop at the blue paint. A splotch of my number twelve marks his chest.

Evidence of us.

“Hold on,” I say, then wet a finger, and wipe it off. He’s protected me. I can protect him.

“Thanks,” he says, and it sounds like he’s swooning.

“I’ll see you later,” I say.

Then I go and do my best to blend into the party. Once I have a beer in hand, I duck into the living room corner, near a shelf of books.

Wait. Is that my hat? I glance around furtively. No one’s looking, so I back up against the purple Seductive hat, then push it behind some books.

Whew. With that out of sight, I take out my phone and finally answer Jason’s text, fire scorching my veins as I type.

I want to fuck you so badly. But when I top you, I want you to feel amazing, so I want you to top me tonight. And I want you to teach me how to make a man moan with pleasure. Show me how to make you feel so damn good with the way you fuck me.


