The Boyfriend Comeback (The Boyfriend Zone #1) Read Online Lauren Blakely

Categories Genre: M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Boyfriend Zone Series by Lauren Blakely

Total pages in book: 122
Estimated words: 117872 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 589(@200wpm)___ 471(@250wpm)___ 393(@300wpm)

He’s on my wavelength, his hands merciless as he grabs at me, riling me up with his explorations. Soon, I don’t know who’s touching who. My life narrows to hands, heat, and breath. To us.

I break the kiss, look into his eyes, and say what he already knows. But I’m learning how much I love telling him my dirty wishes. “I want us to fuck. A lot. I want to do everything with you, Jason.”

He grabs my jaw. Holds me rough, the way I like it. “You telling me what you want turns me on so fucking much.”

I reach for his towel and whip it off, so his dick pops free, proud, standing at attention.

Quickly, but hardly fast enough, he strips off my shirt, and I shed my jeans and boxers. We tumble onto the bed in a tangle of limbs and muscles and need.

When Jason bites my neck, my dick twitches against his. When he licks my Adam’s apple, my whole body shakes. And when he rumbles out a throaty mmmm against my skin, my brain overheats right along with my body.

Breaking free of his grip, I meet his eyes. “I jerked off in the shower,” I tell him, thrilling at the naughty confession.

His eyes darken. He’s picturing me naked under the water. “Want to watch you do that.”

“Same,” I say.

“Here’s a preview,” he says, then sits back on his knees and grips his cock. Sliding his thumb over the head, he teases out a drop of arousal.

Groaning, I stick out my tongue.

He brushes his thumb over my lower lip, and I dart my tongue over it. “You taste so fucking good.”

“Bet you do too,” he says like he has a secret. “Get on your hands and knees.”

I blink. “Already?”

He laughs, shaking his head. “Baby, I’m not going to fuck you yet. I won’t even be touching your dick.”

Oh God.

Oh hell.

I connect the dots, wild excitement tripping through me. In a flurry, I get on all fours. He moves behind me and palms my ass. I crane my neck, needing to watch.

“Mmm. Want you,” he moans, then he drops his face, kisses the top of my crack, and makes me shudder every-fucking-where.

My body feels heavy and woozy. When he flicks his tongue down my ass, my brain goes haywire. It sparks and crackles.

A warm brush of his tongue there. Right there.

My elbows wobble. My dick aches.

I had no idea anything could feel this good. I murmur something, I don’t know what. I’m grasping for words. I don’t know anything anymore except this decadent pleasure zooming through my body.

Noises surround us. Grunts and groans fall from my lips. But he’s loud too. With every stroke of his tongue, he moans. With every hot kiss, he murmurs.

He eats me like he’s obsessed with my pleasure, and I’m obsessed, too, with these wild, new sensations torpedoing through me.

He spreads me apart, teasing me with the tip of his finger while he licks. “You taste fucking incredible,” Jason murmurs, and he sounds like he’s high.

My entire body jumps with pleasure. “Want to do this to you,” I mutter.

He freezes, then kisses my ass cheek. “Yeah? You sure?”

So fucking sure. “Yes. Can I?”

Another kiss. “Next time. If you do this to me, I will come so fucking hard, and right now, I want to shoot inside you,” he says.

I’m cooked. We have to screw, stat. “Get me ready,” I demand, stroking my cock furiously, not even caring that I might come soon.

Laughing, Jason licks a long, slow line down my ass before he pulls away. “On your back and stop playing with that beautiful cock till I’m inside you.”

In a heated daze, I flip over, watching him stride to the bathroom, admiring every inch of his body. His muscular thighs, his thick cock, his strong chest.

I hear the sink, then the sound of brushing and spitting, and a few seconds later, Jason comes back to the bed, grabbing the lube from the nightstand. “You still good?”

“So good.” Telling Jason what I want in bed is freeing. I love speaking my mind to him. It’s the antithesis of worry. “But next time, you need to finish me that way.”

He grins, shaking his head in amazement. “You are the most fearless man, Beck,” he says, settling between my legs.

I’m so aroused, but I want to make tonight good for him too, and he likes it when I taunt him. I give him a show, parking my hands behind my head, lifting my hips. “C’mon. What’s taking you so long?”

“Such a greedy lover,” he says as he pours some lube onto his hand. Then, with a quickness I don’t see coming, he drops his face between my legs and hoovers my dick into his mouth.

Sparks skitter across my flesh as he hauls my cock down his throat and pushes a finger inside me.


