We Shouldn’t Read Online Vi Keeland

Categories Genre: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 105
Estimated words: 102781 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 514(@200wpm)___ 411(@250wpm)___ 343(@300wpm)

I folded my arms across my chest. “I asked myself if I would’ve walked out if it were someone other than you.”


“I wouldn’t have.”

Annalise’s eyes softened. “Well, thank you. Is that why you’re all grumpy? Because you didn’t treat me like the enemy.”

“It wasn’t—until I went to put back the key in Marina’s drawer and caught a message she’d left you that someone had called you back.”

Her face fell. “It’s not what you think.”

“So you know what I’m thinking now?”

“When I called Lauren the other day to confirm dinner for tonight, she told me Andrew was planning on joining us. I called him to ask that he didn’t. That’s why he called me back.”

I walked toward the break room door. “Whatever.”

Annalise exhaled loudly. “Next time just come to me if something’s bothering you.”

I stopped in the doorway where she stood. “Or maybe next time, I’ll grow some balls and gain an edge on the competition.”


“Sorry about that. I figured those two needed a few minutes alone. My wife likes to meddle in shit where her nose doesn’t belong. But I’m a beaten-down man, so I don’t fight it.” Trent Becker held up his glass and tipped it to me. “My answer is always ‘Yes, dear.’ And a good scotch.”

I raised my glass. “Sounds good to me. Doesn’t even matter what the question is.”

Annalise and I had arrived at the restaurant from the office at the same time. Lauren and her husband showed a few minutes later. Since the hostess said our table wasn’t ready yet, Trent had asked me to go to the bar and get drinks, while the ladies immediately dove into talking.

“Lauren and Annalise have a personal history.”

I sipped and looked over the rim of my glass at Trent. “Andrew. I know.”

Trent raised his brows. “So she’s told you.”

“She has.”

He nodded. “Makes sense. Especially since he’s the one who facilitated this get-together.”

This was a business meeting. I had to keep my opinions to myself, but with the door open to peek inside, I couldn’t resist. “Odd timing. Annalise has been working in marketing for years. Yet she said you guys had never discussed her pitching for your business.”

Trent looked around, then leaned in. “Lauren thinks the sun rises and sets on her brother. But between us, I think he’s a bit of a pompous, selfish dick.”

This time my brows jumped. Maybe this dinner wouldn’t be so bad after all.

“Sounds like you’re right, from what Annalise has shared. But like you, I’ll keep that to myself.” I raised my glass. “And swallow my thoughts down with this scotch.”

Trent chuckled. “Annalise is great. I’m glad we should be able to throw some business her way. I just hope it doesn’t help my dear old brother-in-law worm his way back in. Let him stay with the Swedish stewardess he’s been seeing off and on behind her back the last few years.”



I knew that guy was a douche.

Eight years and still no commitment told me he’d been jerking her around; I just hadn’t known the reason. What a dumbfuck.

The bartender brought two glasses of wine, and Trent and I argued over who paid the tab. After I won, we walked the drinks over to the ladies, who were huddled on a bench near the hostess station.

‘Thank you.” Annalise stood for me to pass her the glass. She leaned in with an apprehensive smile. “All good?”

Mine was genuine. “Never better.”

Dinner with Lauren and Trent turned out to be surprisingly enjoyable. We talked a lot about their business, and they were open about their ups and downs and seemed to have a good grip on the market they wanted to reach. They also shared the hefty budget they’d allocated to web and television advertising, which justified the board rewarding the campaign responsible for landing the account.

“So who does what?” Lauren asked neither of us in particular. “Is one of you web and one of you TV or something?”

I let Annalise take the lead on that one. How she chose to spin it was her call.

“Not really. We have team members who specialize in things like art, copy, and market research. We’ll use them to jointly come up with two different campaigns to present to you.”

“Oh, wow. Okay.” Lauren smiled. “I’m sure I’ll love whatever you come up with. We’ve always had such similar taste.”

Yet again, Annalise could have screwed me. All she needed to do was mention that we’d each do individual pitches and they’d be picking whose they liked best. No doubt that would give Lauren a good pre-sell on which one to choose. But Annalise presenting it like it was a team effort really leveled the playing field.

I glanced over, and she glinted a sweet smile.

So fucking beautiful. And that shit was contagious, because I smiled back, and I sure as shit am not a damn smiler. I’m more a pissed-off-face kind of person—mostly because the majority of people piss me off. In fact, I’d venture to guess that the corners of my lips have been tilted up more since I met Annalise than in the first thirty years of my life.


