We Shouldn’t Read Online Vi Keeland

Categories Genre: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 105
Estimated words: 102781 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 514(@200wpm)___ 411(@250wpm)___ 343(@300wpm)

“How does Bennett feel about all this?”

I shook my head. “We haven’t spoken about it.”

“Well, I think that’s a conversation you need to have before you consider tossing your career and that much money aside.”

“The thing is…I don’t think we’re there yet. And I can’t imagine him being okay with me giving anything up for a chance that he’ll come around. In fact, I’m pretty sure he’d fold himself right back into the little box he stays locked up in most of the time if he knew what I was thinking. Something has him gun-shy about relationships. But I don’t know what.”

“Don’t you think that’s a red flag in itself? That you don’t even know what made him anti-relationship?”

“Of course I do! And I know the entire thing sounds ludicrous to even consider. But…I really like him, Mad.”

“You know, sometimes it’s hard to see things clearly in a rebound relationship. People often seek the security and comfort of what they just lost—and it can cause attachments that are more to the relationship than the actual person.”

“I’ve thought about that. I have. But I don’t think I’m trying to replace Andrew or what we had.”

Madison didn’t look convinced. I’d expected her to tell me I was insane for even considering giving up a great job and money for a long shot at a man—at least, at first. But now that she wasn’t on board or excited about my idea, it put a damper on my enthusiasm, too.

I changed the subject and tried to enjoy the rest of my night. Although, there was a reason the woman had been my best friend for more than twenty years: she saw through my bullshit.

When we were leaving the restaurant, she hugged me extra long.

“If you love a narcissistic asshole, I’ll love him, too. If you decide to quit your job and take a chance on love, you can sleep on my couch and come to my work dinners four nights a week with me when you’re broke. I’m here for you, no matter what. I didn’t mean to shoot down your feelings. I was just being protective of you, my friend. I trust your judgment. You can make more money and find a new job.”

She pulled back and cupped my cheeks in her hands. “You have time. You’ll figure this out.”

I felt my eyes well up and pulled her in for another hug. “Thank you.”


I’d decided not to text Bennett before showing up. But now that I stood in front of his building, looking up at his dark window, I wondered if this was a bad idea. It felt like a booty call, something I’d never done. In fact, in the eight years Andrew and I had been together, I hadn’t once even considered showing up unannounced. We just didn’t have that type of relationship—which had never seemed odd to me, until tonight.

But here I stood; so screw it. No point in rethinking what I’d felt comfortable doing before I started overanalyzing things and comparing them to my last relationship. I took a deep breath and opened the door to his building. Pressing the buzzer labeled Fox, I waited while tapping my nails on the metal of the built-in mailbox underneath.

I jumped when his voice came through the intercom. “Yeah?”

He was so grumpy; I couldn’t help but smile. “Delivery for a Mr. Fox.”

I heard the smile in his words. “Delivery, huh? Whadda you got for me?”

“Whatever you’re in the mood for.”

The buzzer buzzed, opening the door before I’d finished the last word. I chuckled, feeling giddy.

But as the elevator climbed, other feelings started to take over. My body started to tingle, and my heartbeat sped up. My first booty call. No wonder people made such a big deal about it.

When I stepped out of the elevator, Bennett was waiting in the hall, shirtless, leaning against the doorframe of his apartment. He was the picture of confident and casual, and his eyes glittered as he watched me walk toward him.

He took a piece of my wayward hair between his thumb and pointer and played with it. “Whatever I’m in the mood for? That’s a pretty big statement for a little girl.” His voice was so damn thick and gruff—I loved it.

I shifted restlessly, feeling electricity crackle in the air all around us. Attempting to pull it together, I straightened my spine and looked up at his imposing frame.

“I’m here, aren’t I?”

Bennett’s mouth curved into a slow, wicked grin. “You most certainly are.”

I yelped when he lifted me off the ground. Yet my legs seemed to know what to do before my brain caught up. They wrapped around his waist and locked behind his back as he carried me inside his apartment. His lips sealed over mine while one hand balled up a fistful of my hair, and he used it to tilt my head where he wanted it.


