Claiming What’s Mine Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 120
Estimated words: 109976 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 550(@200wpm)___ 440(@250wpm)___ 367(@300wpm)

She knew that if she exposed them he or the senator would have her killed so she’d lived in constant fear for the past two years. There was a lot more said, little things he’d done to her to get back at her for no longer sharing his bed, things he’d tried to over rule her with, but those didn’t stand out as much for me as the others.

And then there was the night we’d met. She’d put her feelings down on paper later that night and her confusion came across with ease. I’d been taken back to that time myself while reading her innermost thoughts and feelings.

It hurt me to the core to read her thoughts after each time we met. To know that she’d been suffering just as much as I had been. If I’d known I would’ve taken her out of there.

If I’d had even an inkling that she was willing to leave that is, because I always knew she felt the same way about me that I did about her. But she’d hidden the truth too well. Although I’d seen her feelings for me, she’d never once let on that her life was the hell it had been.

Now I lay here berating myself for the fool I’ve been and wishing I could turn back the clock. She’d asked in the journal why she couldn’t have met me first. Now I was wondering the same thing.

If we had this great love for each other, why had fate played such a horrible trick on us? Knowing the kind of man I am, why was my woman made to suffer that shit at another man’s hands? Fate is trying to get someone fucked up.

I satisfied myself with the thought that no matter our beginning, she was here now and no force on earth will ever tear us apart. Not as long as there’s one breath left in me. I looked down at her sleeping face, more in love with her now than ever.

If she’d owned me before, it was nothing compared to what I feel now. “My brave girl!” I’ll make it up to you no matter how long it takes. I couldn’t resist bringing her in closer and kissing her forehead gently as my heart broke for her and what she’d endured.


“Gavin!” My eyes flew open at the sound of her voice and I looked around the dark room startled for the first few seconds. I hadn’t even realized that I’d fallen asleep. I looked down to see her fussing in her sleep and calling out for me.

Turning I wrapped my arms more securely around her. “I’m right here baby, you’re safe.” I waited until she settled down again to ease out of bed and head into the shower.

I spread my hands on the wall and let the water run down on my bent head trying in vain to wash away the stink and filth left from what I’d read. And to abate the anger that still beat like a drum under my skin.

My mind of course went to the senator and what needed to be done. I was still too pissed to think clearly but my heart was leaning towards taking him out clean and be done with it.

As much pleasure as I got from that thought, I switched off the water still no closer to a solution but absolutely sure of one thing. I need to get retribution for her. I need to avenge every wrong they’d done to her; I won’t rest until I do.

She was awake when I walked back into the bedroom. “Why aren’t you sleeping?” Her eyes followed me around the bed and I felt my heart move when she silently lifted her arms out to me.

It was as easy as breathing to just climb in under the covers and take her in my arms. Of course my naked body reacted to being close to her, feeling her soft warmth. But I wasn’t sure, didn’t know if I should have her after the day she’d had. In the end she took the decision from my hands.

“Gavin!” That voice, like warm honey. Will it always send a sweet tingle down my spine? Will I always feel it in my very soul the way I do now? I rubbed her shoulder soothingly and kissed her hair as love welled up inside me.

“I’m right here baby.” I realized in that moment that I didn’t know what to do for her, and only now understood why she’d found it so hard to tell me with her own mouth what she’d been through. I couldn’t find the words to comfort her, to wipe away those memories from her mind.

But it was she who lifted her lips for my kiss. She who wrapped her arms around me, pulling me down to her warmth. And she who let me know without words what she wanted by deepening the kiss as she opened her thighs to let me in.


