Claiming What’s Mine Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 120
Estimated words: 109976 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 550(@200wpm)___ 440(@250wpm)___ 367(@300wpm)

I looked towards the doorway where mom and Giselle disappeared and although I knew my mother, who’s about the sweetest person I know, other than my wife of course, wouldn’t harm her, I still felt uneasy about leaving the two of them alone. Seeing as how I hadn’t even had a chance to make the introductions.

“Let’s talk!” Dad came down the outside steps to the villa and put his hand around my shoulders. I watched out the corner of my eye as Kev nodded to the bodyguards to head inside with the women while he and Dave followed behind dad and I.

“It’s a beautiful evening.” Well shit! Once dad starts commenting about the weather there’s a good bet he’s about to ream my ass out about something or other. I gave both Dave and Kev the stink eye but the two fucks didn’t give a shit. Just what the hell did they tell them anyway?

“Are you having difficulties with senator Moore?” The fuck!

“I’m handling it dad.” How could I forget that not once since I first stepped out the door for my first day of preschool have either of my parents learned to keep their noses out of my shit? The look he gave me said not to push it.

“That young lady, is she the one you fell in love with a few years ago?” Say what now?

“How do you know about that?” I didn’t have to ask if it was Kev or Dave, I knew they wouldn’t because of the fact that she’d been married at the time.

“Your mother was the one who figured it out some time ago. What about that Amy person?”

“I broke it off of course.”

“That’s fine then. About the senator, what action are you prepared to take? And how volatile is the situation?”

“What makes you think anything is wrong?” I didn’t know how much my two ex-friends had spilled and I wasn’t about to give him shit for free.

He smirked at me in a way that was not in the least bit reassuring. “You married this young lady a few days after her husband died. From what I’ve learned you picked her up the night he died, taking his own life and had her hidden away in your apartment. No, don’t look at them, they aren’t the ones who told me.”

“Then how do you know all this?”

“Son, your mother and I met in High School when we were both sixteen. We’ve been together ever since. She’s the one thing before you came along that has lived in my heart. A part of me I guess you can say. The only thing she worries about in this world is you. How do you think I know?”

I looked at him confused for a second. It was like looking into the future at myself in another twenty-five years or so and it clicked. “You have someone on me? What the fuck dad.”


“And you, what kind of security are you if you didn’t know that shit?” I glared at Kev the fuck.

“He knew!” I stopped moving and turned to look at the three of them.

“You two have been spying on me for my parents?”

“Nope, we just agreed to keep our mouths shut. Ain’t nobody messing with your mom. Shit, her and my mom have weekly conversations. Need I say more?”

It’s true. Ever since the three of us met years ago and became friends, our parents have formed a bond of sorts. When we were growing up there was a running joke amongst the families that we each had three sets of parents and could never get away with shit. But we’re adults now and I’m not sure how to take the fact that they’ve been keeping tabs on me for Elaine and Gavin Sorrento the second. Two of the nosiest people on earth.

“I thought you and mom stopped flying that helicopter a long time ago.”

“I still have my license.” This fuck! The other two snickered because they knew I was talking about his parenting, I’m pretty sure he did too.

“As for the senator, I’ve got it all taken care of.”

“As you would, just know that I’m here.” He did a kind of muscle flex that made me grin. I have no doubt that he’d eat the senator and spit him out in five seconds flat. But my thing is all about keeping her out of it. Dad won’t give a shit about any of that as long as he eliminates the perceived threat to his baby boy. Gotta love ‘im.

“And your wife, my daughter in law, will she be safe back in New York or do you plan on staying here for a while?”

“I decided it’s best if we head back after the honeymoon. The sooner I deal with this the sooner we can get on with our lives.”

“Very well then. I’ll give you another month to take care of it before stepping in.” When I gave him a what the fuck look he just smirked and said, “your mother and all that.” Nothing like a visit from your old man to remind you that you’re not the baddest guy in town.


