Lucien – The Marchesi Family Read online Silvia Violet

Categories Genre: M-M Romance, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 75
Estimated words: 71889 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 359(@200wpm)___ 288(@250wpm)___ 240(@300wpm)

I considered trying to find a way down directly from Lucien’s room, but I knew there were guards outside who would likely find such movement far more suspicious than my leaving by a side door. I also doubted I could manage the climb without injuring myself. I would just have to pray I didn’t run into anyone. As far as I knew, Angelo and Devil were away from home, coordinating the search for Lucien.

Lucien’s father went to bed early, but I wasn’t sure if he was able to sleep any better than I had been. I was most likely to run into Sabrina. Hopefully she was in her room.

I slipped from Lucien’s room and hurried down the hall. I paused before reaching the stairs and listened. I didn’t hear anyone moving around, so I went down the stairs quickly, thankful for the thick carpeting that muffled my steps. When I reached the ground floor, I paused again. I still didn’t hear anyone. Instead of using the front door, I headed toward the side entrance by the kitchen. I’d be closest to the garage there. I’d pocketed Lucien’s keys since walking to catch the T would be suspicious.

I made it almost to the garage before a hand clamped down on my shoulder. I jumped and turned to see Angelo scowling at me.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

Did I lie or tell the truth? The chance that Angelo would let me go out on my own was slim no matter what I said. I was going to have to convince him it was worth finding out what Jimmy knew and whether he actually had a key that could free Lucien.

“I got a call from Jimmy. He says the man he was working for was planning to kill him, but he escaped. He claims to know where Lucien is and to have a key that would free him. He asked me to meet him tonight at ten. I know he may be lying, but I have to find out, and—” Tears threatened to come, and my words became too choked for Angelo to understand.

“Why the fuck didn’t you tell me about this as soon as you found out?”

“He told me to come alone, but I was also afraid you wouldn’t believe me, and if you didn’t let me go, we’d never find Lucien, and he would die. I don’t trust Jimmy, and I swear I’ve never been working with him. I love your brother, and I would do anything to save him, no matter how dangerous.” I squeezed my eyes shut. I didn’t want to cry and didn’t want to have to beg, but I would do anything it took to find Lucien and free him.

“You’re right that I don’t want you to go, but if there’s even the slightest chance he’s telling the truth, we need that key. Tell me where to meet him.”

I shook my head. “I’m coming with you. Jimmy’s not going to trust you, and if this is real, I’m the only one he’ll talk to.”

Angelo growled. “He sure as fuck will talk to me, and he’ll give me anything he has.”

He was not going without me. “I want to help you save your brother.”

“If you get hurt and Lucien finds out it’s because I put you in danger by letting you come, my life will be the one that’s forfeit.”

“Aren’t I already in danger? Damian’s men have already come to the house, and they took Lucien. I know there are guards, and I know everyone’s trying to keep me safe, but I can’t stand this. I have to do something.”

Angelo stared at me for a few more seconds, then nodded. “Fine. But I’m driving.”

I didn’t have any problem with that. I told him where Jimmy had told me to meet him. He called Devil on the way but told him to stay put, and we’d check in soon. When we arrived, Angelo refused to make any pretense about me being there alone. He drove around the block, then checked the perimeter of the building before allowing me to get out of the car. He went in first, gun in hand, making sure we weren’t about to be ambushed every step of the way.

When he kicked open the door of the back room, Jimmy flinched and nearly fell from the chair where it looked as if he’d been sleeping. He looked even worse than I’d expected. He had a black eye and other bruising on his face. He was cradling one of his arms like it might be broken, and his breath was as wheezy as it had been on the phone. He truly was in bad shape. “You need a doctor, Jimmy.”

He shook his head. “If I go to the hospital, they’ll find me and finish me off.”

Angelo didn’t seem to have the same concerns I did. “Tell us what you know right fucking now, or I’m going to finish you off.”


