Lucien – The Marchesi Family Read online Silvia Violet

Categories Genre: M-M Romance, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 75
Estimated words: 71889 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 359(@200wpm)___ 288(@250wpm)___ 240(@300wpm)

“Angelo and Devil are here with others. They’re going to tear this place apart, but we need to get you to safety. Can you walk?”

“Stefan. He’s working for Ricci.”

“I know. I saw him take you, and then Jimmy—”

How did he see me? “You were there.” Before he could answer, I processed the rest of what he’d said. “Jimmy?”

“It’s a long story. We need to go.”

Focus. I had to focus. “I can walk, but I don’t have a weapon.”

Peter held out a gun. “Angelo sent this for you.”

“Did he give you one too?”

“Yes, but I don’t know how—”

“Point it and shoot. Aim for center mass. You just need to incapacitate someone long enough for one of the rest of us to take them out.”

I reached for the doorknob, but the room began to spin again. I’d moved too fast.

“Lucien, are you sure you’re all right?”

“I don’t have a choice, so I will be. I’ll protect you.”

“I should be protecting you. You’re hurt, and it’s my fault. I forgot my phone, and you had to look for me and—”

“When we’re all safe, I’ll beat your ass for leaving without telling me, but no matter what you did to defy me, this isn’t your fault. I was careless. Were there any guards down here when you came to the door?”

He shook his head. “Angelo staged an attack so they’d be distracted.”

“Then we need to move quickly before someone catches on.” I ignored the fact that my left ankle hurt like fuck. It was nothing compared to the pain in my side. As long as I didn’t breathe too deeply, I thought I could make it up the stairs. I had to stop once. For Peter’s sake, I pretended I was listening for anyone who might be at the top of the stairs, but my field of vision had begun to narrow. I wasn’t sure I could finish the climb without passing out. I reminded myself Peter was counting on me and pushed on. One step at a time.

When we reached the top of the stairs, I motioned for Peter to stay behind me. I had my gun ready, and I prayed I could manage to hit a target. When I opened the door, I was ready to shoot anyone I didn’t know.

There was no one there. The house was eerily quiet, but before I could determine the best way to get Peter out of there, I heard my brother shout.

Adrenaline shot through me. I grabbed Peter’s wrist, and we ran to where we could take cover and see what was happening outside.

I told Peter to stay put and inched along toward the back of the house where the voices were coming from. A few seconds later, Peter laid a hand on my back as if trying to steady me. He’d completely ignored me about staying put. I needed him to let me handle this. I needed him safe, but I didn’t have time to argue. When we got out of there, I was going to make sure he understood that when I told him not to follow me, I meant it.

I heard Damian’s voice as we got closer. “Pledge allegiance to me, and you can see your brother again.”

Fuck. He was talking to Angelo.

“Bring him to me right now, and we’ll sit down and have a talk,” Angelo said.

“This isn’t a negotiation. My men and I can kill you all now, or you can work for me.”

Anger burned through me. How dare that bastard speak to my brother like that. How dare he think he could take all we’d worked for?

“These men aren’t loyal to you,” Angelo said. “If I take you out, they’re not going to give a fuck about your family. They’re only in this to advance themselves. Bring me my fucking brother.”

They were in a large sunroom. I moved a little closer to the door and leaned out just enough to see how the men were positioned.

Damian had his back to me, and Angelo was facing him. For a second, I thought Angelo might have seen me, but I couldn’t be sure. Devil was with him along with Marco. Stefan was standing next to Damian. At least my family knew he was the traitor now. Damian’s son was missing, and so was Vinnie. Maybe Vinnie was tracking Mario down.

Angelo was right about the rest of the men I could identify. All they gave a fuck about was themselves. Their allegiance went to any person they thought most likely to win a war. We were going to show them the Marchesis were always winners, then teach them a lesson about doubting us.

It was time for Damian to die. Angelo seemed to be stalling. Was he trying to hold out until Peter freed me because he knew this was my kill? If so, I was damn glad because it would feel good to put him down.


