The Top Dog – Part 1 Lust (The Seven Deadly Kins #1) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 109178 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 546(@200wpm)___ 437(@250wpm)___ 364(@300wpm)

“Can you see his front license plate number, Nadia?”

“He’s too close right now for me to see it, but when he was farther away, I did see a lil’ bit of it. The first four numbers, I believe, were 4722. He’s got—”

“Okay, how far away are you from our station?”

“’Bout eight minutes, according to my navigation screen. Now he’s doing some strange stop and start motions, like he’s drunk. He’s stoppin’, then runnin’ up fast on me, tryna scare me.”

“Okay. Try to keep calm, and I’ll stay on the phone with you.”

“Alright. I’m calm, though, just giving you the play by play.” She approached another light on a desolate tree-lined street and suddenly felt her car jolt forward. The maniac bumped her vehicle with a light tap. “Damn it! Ma’am, he just hit my car.” Now, she was no longer calm…

She slowed down.

“Don’t get out of the car, Nadia. It may be a trap. Make sure your doors are locked, too.”

“Doors are locked. I’m well aware that this is a set-up, but now he’s gettin’ out his car. The door is opening. Probably about to lie about accidentally hittin’ me.”

“Is your car too damaged to drive away?”


“Drive forward. Act like nothing happened.”

“Okay.” Nadia knocked her gear out of park, and kept driving as before. The man quickly jumped back into his car. She sped up, and so did he, then she approached another light, her heart knocking against her chest.

The light turned red. She had to stop.

Suddenly, the bastard put his car in reverse. For a split second, she was hopeful he would abort mission and leave, but then she saw him barreling towards her at an ungodly high speed, and he rammed into her a second time. This time, much harder.

“Nadia, what was that noise?” the woman questioned.

“This mothafucka hit my car again!”

“Nadia, I am dispatching an officer to meet you. Keep driving towards us. Stay on the line.”

“At this point, my life is in danger, and I won’t make it there in time. Nor will the police officer you sent to intervene.”

“Nadia, he’s almost there. If you can drive your car, do so now.”

“I don’t have time for none of that because this son of a bitch is backing up again!”

BOOM! The man hit her car a third time. The jolt forced her forward, almost knocking her out of her seat into the windshield. Her head became dizzy and her seatbelt dug into her skin, burning her flesh, but keeping her secure and in place. She quickly gathered her bearings and then saw his driver’s side door slowly opening.

“Ma’am, he’s comin’ again! He’s approaching me. The light has went a full cycle and is red again, and he’s about to be red, too. YOU GOT THE RIGHT ONE TONIGHT, BABY!”

“Nadia… Nadia!” the woman screamed. “Don’t get out of the car!”

“Oh, sweetheart, that won’t be necessary. I can do this all from the comfort of my seat.”

Nadia sucked her teeth, rolled her window down, gripped Dolly like the bitch owed her money, and stretched her arm out the window, directly at the figure emerging from the lights and shadows.

She aimed it at his head. He was nothing but a menacing outline due to the bright headlights of his car, a shadow full of darkness, but light illuminated all around him like a chalk outline. Perhaps foretelling of things to come?

“Dice mothafuckin’ Incel the Third!” He stopped in his tracks as he seemed to suddenly realize she was holding a metal friend. “I ain’t wanna do a VIP with’ yo crazy ass tonight, turned you down, and THIS is what you do?! Bet! I got somethin’ for that ass!” In a flash, he turned around and ran. She shot in the air as he jumped back into his vehicle. “NAW! WHERE YOU GOIN’?! You don’t want a lap dance no more, boy?! Dance to these bullets, bitch!” She enjoyed watching him panic, his shadow bopping around in the car like a nervous wreck. “I WILL BLOW YO’ DUSTY EGGLANT-HEADED ASS RIGHT BACK INTO THE SNATCH THAT BIRTHED YOU, MOTHAFUCKA!”

She got out of the vehicle and fired at his car, shattering his back window as he hauled ass past her in a blaze of smoke from his squealing tires. Heart pumping, chest rising and falling like an accordion, she slipped back into her seat and closed her eyes, her throat sore from screaming, and her chest radiating dull pain from the adrenaline rush.

“Nadia, are you okay?” the woman on the phone asked.

“Yes ma’am… he’s gone now.” She took a deep breath. “He was gettin’ out of his car after he tore my back end up. I shot at him. My gun is licensed and registered, and I know how to use it.”

“Officer Duncan is one minute away. Do you believe you injured him, ma’am?”


