Claiming What’s Mine Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 120
Estimated words: 109976 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 550(@200wpm)___ 440(@250wpm)___ 367(@300wpm)

“No problem, I’ll have the car take you wherever you want to go. Speaking of which, I almost forgot. I got you a gift.” He left the couch and walked out of the room before coming back to sit beside me again.

“What’s this?” I accepted the small black velvet box, secretly tickled that he’d got me a gift. He’s always doing stuff like this. When we were away not a day went by that he wasn’t getting me something. I liked that it didn’t always have to be the most expensive thing. Like the scarf I’d been admiring in a shop window on the island before he walked in and bought it.

But there was no doubt that the four-carat diamond studs had cost a pretty penny. “Do you like them? Let me put them on for you.” I turned so he could put them into my ears and then ran to the nearest mirror to admire.

True to his word he’d left everything I owned when I was with Vance behind, which was fine. Whatever jewelry I’d had before marriage Vance had pawned within the first year, and the crap he bought me afterwards was usually paste made up to look expensive.

I hadn’t told Gavin any of this, too embarrassed at what a complete joke my life had been. As for clothes, Gavin had a closet full of designer clothing waiting for me when we got back. There’s nothing else I need.

“Gavin, you know you don’t always have to keep buying me stuff.” I stood in front of him as he looked up at me without saying a word for a good two minutes. “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard you say. You’re my wife, who else should I be buying things for?”

“I know but…”

“No buts. I’ve waited a long time to spoil you. I haven’t even started yet.”

He pulled me down on his lap and the next thing I knew I was naked, wearing nothing but the new earrings and my wedding rings. “Let’s go to the bedroom.” I looked towards the bank of windows, where though there were no other buildings this high up I was still feeling shy.

“Nope, I’m going to do you right here.”


Fuck, I can’t go back on my word. I’m the one who keeps telling her she has nothing to fear but the thought of her going out on her own leaves me in a cold sweat. She’s out cold after the pounding I just gave her on the couch before bringing her to bed and left to sit up alone and worry.

I could always try to finagle my way into their outing but that’s a dick move. I’ll just have to make sure she has the best security trailing her once she walks out the door.

Even though we’d switched apartments I have no doubt the senator already knew where she was. The intern I had keeping tabs on him had reported as much, as well as the meltdown he’d had when he learned of our marriage. I’d love to have seen that.

So far the tabloids have been toeing the line but I don’t expect that to last. The old man still has some power in the city after all, and I don’t kid myself that everyone is afraid of my retribution.

In the past I’d let things slide since I never gave a fuck, but this time things will be different. I’ve already got money earmarked for court hearings because I plan to sue every fuck that says one wrong word about her.

I left the bed and headed to the home office to call Kev. I gave him the order to shadow her when she goes out to lunch with her friend and fooled myself into thinking that I’d go to the office to catch up on some stuff.

The day came and it took everything in me not to lock her in our room. I did give it a good try though, using my usual tactic of keeping her in bed under me until the last damn minute. “I have to go.” I was still inside her, still trying to catch my breath and so was she.

We’d spent most of the morning in bed where we could hear the staff cleaning and making breakfast which we had in bed before diving back under the covers. Now it was getting close to the lunch hour and I was as nervous as a first time dad seeing his kid off to school.

At least she didn’t look scared so that was a good thing, but I knew deep down she still harbored some angst. If I act like an ass it would only make it much worst for her so I put my game face on and pretended that I wasn’t barely holding back from forbidding her to go.


