Claiming What’s Mine Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 120
Estimated words: 109976 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 550(@200wpm)___ 440(@250wpm)___ 367(@300wpm)

It just showed how fucking fixated the sick fuck is on his ex daughter in law. She’d even taped him ranting and raving about what he was going to do to my wife when, not if, he got his hands on her. And still I was biding my time. After all, talking out his ass wasn’t crossing the line enough for me to justify what I plan to do to him.

But tonight changes things. She’d pretty much thrown down the gauntlet. I tapped her ass as she slept and grinned because that shit was badass. I looked over at my little angel who was dead to the world after fucking herself to sleep basically.

I couldn’t fault her for what she did, or for not warning me that she was gonna do it. After all I’m the one who’s been pushing her to overcome her fear and I’m in the front seat rooting for her independence. I guess I’m gonna have to keep an eye on her sneaky ass.

My phone rang somewhere in the house and I got out of bed and headed back downstairs where I’d left my pants after she stripped me earlier. I answered with a smile, remembering her out of character behavior.

“What’s up Kev?”

“Your boy has gone nuclear. The stupid fuck is planning a hit on you and have some not so nice things in store for her.” I hadn’t shared the contents of the journal with him, but I could imagine what the old degenerate senator had in mind.

“You don’t say, Holly get that on tape too?”

“Yeah, she’s all in. He must’ve done some skeazy shit to her is all I’m saying, girl’s out for blood. By the way Dave and I went on a little run for your dad earlier this evening.”

“Where’d you go?”

“Did you know that the senator had a longtime mistress?”

“What’s the big surprise about that? I’d expect someone like him to have more than one under his belt.”

“Well this one went into hiding a few years ago. Apparently she’s a good old catholic girl who fell for his bullshit.”

“Long story short, she got pregnant, he wanted her to end it, she said no and he tried to have her killed. She went into hiding, had the kid and the scars from the failed attempt on her life. And guess what, she kept records.”

I can’t say I’m surprised that dad knew about that shit or had the resources to find out. But I wasn’t getting where he was going with this and told him so. “He’s trying to keep Giselle’s name out of it. He pretty much knew that you’d want it this way.”

“And?” Maybe I was half asleep because he wasn’t making any sense.

“The woman is willing to go public, not to mention the son is twenty-two and is a dead ringer for the senator and his dead son. He’s out for blood for what was done to his mom, but they were both too afraid to come forward because of his standing and all that.” Dad’s a fucking genius, and scary as hell.

“Anyway uncle is putting together some shit to take him down, won’t say what. But he wanted Dave and I to have a sit down with the woman and the kid, said he didn’t trust anyone else to do it. We were just coming over the bridge when you called earlier.”

“So, who’s he hiring for the hit?”

“Don’t know that yet, but Ambrose is the one doing the looking. From the sound of it he’d like to do it himself.” I’d like to see him try.

“You know the score, I want this place surrounded.” Fuck, how am I going to keep her in the house without letting her know this shit’s going on?

“Already taken care of. You want me to come in?”

“Nah, we’re going to bed. I’ll see you in the morning.” I went back up the stairs with a new worry. It’s hard to believe it had been less than a month since this whole thing started. Seems like since the night I picked her up from the precinct we’ve been on this rollercoaster ride of bullfuckery.

I dropped off to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow beside hers and pulled her into my arms. In the morning I woke up a little before her and called my assistant. “Call the pilot and get a flight ready for Italy this evening at seven.” He can’t reach her if he can’t find her. I’d slept on it and that’s the conclusion I came to.

The only problem with that is that I’d have to leave the country as well so I won’t be here to deal with him. If dad’s little game didn’t work I’ll have to fall back on my own plans. Who am I kidding? He was dead the second I found out what he’d done to her.


